“Girl - woman - sorry!”: on the repair and non-repair of consecutive gender categories
by Elisabeth Stokoe
Elisabeth Stokoe, (2011), "“Girl - woman - sorry!”: on the repair and non-repair of consecutive gender categories", In Conversation and Gender (Susan A. Speer, Elizabeth Stokoe, eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 85–111.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Cambridge", 
  author = "Elisabeth Stokoe", 
  booktitle = "Conversation and Gender", 
  chapter = "5", 
  doi = "10.1017/CBO9780511781032.006", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Repair, Gender, language, Gender categories", 
  editor = "Susan A. Speer and Elizabeth Stokoe", 
  pages = "85–111", 
  publisher = "Cambridge University Press", 
  title = "“Girl - woman - sorry!”: on the repair and non-repair of consecutive gender categories", 
  url = "https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/conversation-and-gender/girl-woman-sorry-on-the-repair-and-nonrepair-of-consecutive-gender-categories/E840EFDF311753E1B75A7B0F4D8E0DF1", 
  year = "2011", 