Receiving phone calls during medical consultations: the production of interactional space for technology use
by Aleksandr Shirokov, Iuliia Avgustis, Andrei Korbut
Aleksandr Shirokov, Iuliia Avgustis, Andrei Korbut, (2023), "Receiving phone calls during medical consultations: the production of interactional space for technology use", In People, Technology, and Social Organization: Interactionist Studies of Everyday Life (Dirk vom Lehn, Will Gibson, Natalia Ruiz-Junco, eds.), London, Routledge, pp. 159–180.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "London", 
  author = "Aleksandr Shirokov, Iuliia Avgustis and Andrei Korbut", 
  booktitle = "People, Technology, and Social Organization: Interactionist Studies of Everyday Life", 
  doi = "10.4324/9781003277750-12", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Phone Calls, Medical EMCA", 
  editor = "Dirk vom Lehn, Will Gibson and Natalia Ruiz-Junco", 
  pages = "159–180", 
  publisher = "Routledge", 
  title = "Receiving phone calls during medical consultations: the production of interactional space for technology use", 
  url = "", 
  year = "2023", 