Challenging askability through particles: uei-prefaced responses in Catalan
by Natàlia Server-Benetó
Natàlia Server-Benetó, (2023), "Challenging askability through particles: uei-prefaced responses in Catalan", Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 218, no. December 2023, pp. 6-16.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Natàlia Server-Benetó", 
  doi = "", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Interactional Linguistics, Interjection, Question answer sequence", 
  journal = "Journal of Pragmatics", 
  number = "December 2023", 
  pages = "6-16", 
  title = "Challenging askability through particles: uei-prefaced responses in Catalan", 
  volume = "218", 
  year = "2023", 