'You want to find out if anybody really does care'
by Harvey Sacks
Harvey Sacks, (1987), "'You want to find out if anybody really does care'", In Talk and Social Organisation (Graham Button, John R.E. Lee, eds.), Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, pp. 219-25.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Clevedon", 
  author = "Harvey Sacks", 
  booktitle = "Talk and Social Organisation", 
  chapter = "8", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Suicide", 
  editor = "Graham Button and John R.E. Lee", 
  pages = "219-25", 
  publisher = "Multilingual Matters", 
  title = "'You want to find out if anybody really does care'", 
  year = "1987", 