A conversation analysis approach to researching eTandems: the challenges of data collection
by Julia Renner
Julia Renner, (2016), "A conversation analysis approach to researching eTandems: the challenges of data collection", In New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference in Telecollaboration in Higher Education (Sake Jager, Malgorzata Kurek, Breffni O’Rourke, eds.), Dublin, Research-publishing.net, pp. 321–326.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Dublin", 
  author = "Julia Renner", 
  booktitle = "New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference in Telecollaboration in Higher Education", 
  doi = "10.14705/rpnet.2016.telecollab2016.524", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Collaboration, Virtual collaboration, Language Learning", 
  editor = "Sake Jager, Malgorzata Kurek and Breffni O’Rourke", 
  pages = "321–326", 
  publisher = "Research-publishing.net", 
  title = "A conversation analysis approach to researching eTandems: the challenges of data collection", 
  url = "https://research-publishing.net/manuscript?10.14705/rpnet.2016.telecollab2016.524", 
  year = "2016", 