Avoiding Repair, Maintaining Face: Responding to Hard-to-Interpret Talk from People Living with Dementia in the Acute Hospital
by Alison Pilnick, Rebecca O'Brien, Suzanne Beeke, Sarah Goldberg, Rowan Harwood
Alison Pilnick, Rebecca O'Brien, Suzanne Beeke, Sarah Goldberg, Rowan Harwood, (2021), "Avoiding Repair, Maintaining Face: Responding to Hard-to-Interpret Talk from People Living with Dementia in the Acute Hospital", Social Science & Medicine, vol. 282, pp. eid: 114156.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Alison Pilnick, Rebecca O'Brien, Suzanne Beeke, Sarah Goldberg and Rowan Harwood", 
  doi = "10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114156", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Communication skills training, Conversation analysis, Dementia, Patient-centred care, Repair, UK", 
  journal = "Social Science & Medicine", 
  pages = "eid: 114156", 
  title = "Avoiding Repair, Maintaining Face: Responding to Hard-to-Interpret Talk from People Living with Dementia in the Acute Hospital", 
  url = "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277953621004883", 
  volume = "282", 
  year = "2021", 