Fishing for affiliation: the French double causal construction ‘parce que comme’ from a dialogical linguistics perspective
by Stefan Pfänder, Marie Skrovec
Stefan Pfänder, Marie Skrovec, (2014), "Fishing for affiliation: the French double causal construction ‘parce que comme’ from a dialogical linguistics perspective", In Grammar and Dialogism: Sequential, Syntactic, and Prosodic Patterns between Emergence and Sedimentation (Susanne Günther, Wolfgang Imo, Jörg Bücker, eds.), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 241–268.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Berlin", 
  author = "Stefan Pfänder and Marie Skrovec", 
  booktitle = "Grammar and Dialogism: Sequential, Syntactic, and Prosodic Patterns between Emergence and Sedimentation", 
  doi = "10.1515/9783110358612.241", 
  keywords = "French, Affiliation, Grammar, Interactional Linguistics, EMCA", 
  editor = "Susanne Günther, Wolfgang Imo and Jörg Bücker", 
  pages = "241–268", 
  publisher = "De Gruyter Mouton", 
  series = "Linguistik — Impulse & Tendenzen", 
  title = "Fishing for affiliation: the French double causal construction ‘parce que comme’ from a dialogical linguistics perspective", 
  url = "", 
  year = "2014", 