Voiced directed reported speech in conversational storytelling: Sequential patterns of stance taking
by Maarit Niemelä
Maarit Niemelä, (2005), "Voiced directed reported speech in conversational storytelling: Sequential patterns of stance taking", SKY Journal of Linguistics, vol. 18, pp. 197-221.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Maarit Niemelä", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Storytelling, Voiced DRS, Stance Taking, Sequence organization", 
  journal = "SKY Journal of Linguistics", 
  pages = "197-221", 
  title = "Voiced directed reported speech in conversational storytelling: Sequential patterns of stance taking", 
  url = "http://www.linguistics.fi/julkaisut/SKY2005/Niemela.pdf", 
  volume = "18", 
  year = "2005", 