The tactility and visibility of kissing: Intercorporeal configurations of kissing bodies in family photography sessions
by Lorenza Mondada, David Monteiro, Burak S. Tekin
Lorenza Mondada, David Monteiro, Burak S. Tekin, (2020), "The tactility and visibility of kissing: Intercorporeal configurations of kissing bodies in family photography sessions", In Touch in Social Interaction: Touch, Language, and Body (Asta Cekaite, Lorenza Mondada, eds.), London, Routledge, pp. 54-80.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "London", 
  author = "Lorenza Mondada, David Monteiro and Burak S. Tekin", 
  booktitle = "Touch in Social Interaction: Touch, Language, and Body", 
  doi = "10.4324/9781003026631-3", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Touch, Social interaction, Kissing, Photography, Family photography sessions", 
  editor = "Asta Cekaite and Lorenza Mondada", 
  pages = "54-80", 
  publisher = "Routledge", 
  title = "The tactility and visibility of kissing: Intercorporeal configurations of kissing bodies in family photography sessions", 
  url = "", 
  year = "2020", 