Building bridges: The possibility of analytic dialogue between ethnography, conversation analysis and Foucault
by Gale Miller, Kathryn J. Fox
Gale Miller, Kathryn J. Fox, (2004), "Building bridges: The possibility of analytic dialogue between ethnography, conversation analysis and Foucault", In Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice (David Silverman, ed.), London, Sage, pp. 35-55.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "London", 
  author = "Gale Miller and Kathryn J. Fox", 
  booktitle = "Qualitative  Research: Theory, Method and Practice", 
  chapter = "3", 
  edition = "Second", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Ethnography, Conversation Analysis, Foucault", 
  editor = "David Silverman", 
  pages = "35-55", 
  publisher = "Sage", 
  title = "Building bridges: The possibility of analytic dialogue between ethnography, conversation analysis and Foucault", 
  year = "2004", 