Accomplishing fact in police “dispatch packages”: an analysis for the situated construction of an organizational record
by Wayne M. Mellinger
Wayne M. Mellinger, (1992), "Accomplishing fact in police “dispatch packages”: an analysis for the situated construction of an organizational record", In Perspectives on Social Problems (Gale Miller, James A. Holstein, eds.), Greenwich, CT, JAI Press, vol. 4, pp. 47–72.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Greenwich, CT", 
  author = "Wayne M. Mellinger", 
  booktitle = "Perspectives on Social Problems", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Police, Records", 
  editor = "Gale Miller and James A. Holstein", 
  pages = "47–72", 
  publisher = "JAI Press", 
  title = "Accomplishing fact in police “dispatch packages”: an analysis for the situated construction of an organizational record", 
  volume = "4", 
  year = "1992", 