“It’s Going to Be Very Slippery”: Snow, Space and Mobility While Learning Cross-country Skiing
by Paul McIlvenny
Paul McIlvenny, (2019), "“It’s Going to Be Very Slippery”: Snow, Space and Mobility While Learning Cross-country Skiing", London, Routledge, pp. 77-100.
Bibtex Entry:
@Book Section{McIlvenny2019b,
  address = "London", 
  author = "Paul McIlvenny", 
  booktitle = "Material Mobilities", 
  doi = "10.4324/9780429198496-6", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Conversation analysis, Materialities, Snow, Skiing, Learning, Instruction, Mobilites, Space", 
  editor = "Ole B. Jensen, Claus Lassen and Ida Sofie Gøtzsche Lange", 
  pages = "77-100", 
  publisher = "Routledge", 
  title = "“It’s Going to Be Very Slippery”: Snow, Space and Mobility While Learning Cross-country Skiing", 
  url = "https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429198496-6/going-slippery-paul-mcilvenny", 
  year = "2019", 