by Harrie Mazeland
Harrie Mazeland, (1990), "”Yes”, “no” and “mhm”: variations in acknowledgment choices", In Les formes de la conversation (Bernard Conein, Michel de Fornel, Louis Quéré, eds.), Issy les Moulineaux, CNET, vol. 1, pp. 251–282.
Bibtex Entry:
address = "Issy les Moulineaux",
author = "Harrie Mazeland",
booktitle = "Les formes de la conversation",
keywords = "EMCA, Acknowledgement tokens",
editor = "Bernard Conein, Michel de Fornel and Louis Quéré",
pages = "251–282",
publisher = "CNET",
title = "”Yes”, “no” and “mhm”: variations in acknowledgment choices",
volume = "1",
year = "1990",