“The soccer game” as journalistic work: managing the production of stories about a football club
by Liz Marr, Dave Francis, Dave Randall
Liz Marr, Dave Francis, Dave Randall, (1999), "“The soccer game” as journalistic work: managing the production of stories about a football club", In Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches (Paul L. Jalbert, ed.), Lanham, NY; Oxford, University Press of America, pp. 111–134.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Lanham, NY; Oxford", 
  author = "Liz Marr, Dave Francis and Dave Randall", 
  booktitle = "Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Media, Sport, Journalism, Stories", 
  editor = "Paul L. Jalbert", 
  pages = "111–134", 
  publisher = "University Press of America", 
  title = "“The soccer game” as journalistic work: managing the production of stories about a football club", 
  year = "1999", 