Working out what Garfinkel could possibly be doing with “Durkheim’s aphorism”
by Michael Lynch
Michael Lynch, (2009), "Working out what Garfinkel could possibly be doing with “Durkheim’s aphorism”", In Sociological Objects: Reconfigurations of Social Theory (Geoff Cooper, Andrew King, Ruth Rettie, eds.), Aldershot, Ashgate, pp. 101–118.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Aldershot", 
  author = "Michael Lynch", 
  booktitle = "Sociological Objects: Reconfigurations of Social Theory", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Durkheim, Garfinkel", 
  editor = "Geoff Cooper, Andrew King and Ruth Rettie", 
  pages = "101–118", 
  publisher = "Ashgate", 
  title = "Working out what Garfinkel could possibly be doing with “Durkheim’s aphorism”", 
  year = "2009", 