'My memory has been shredded': a non-cognitivist investigation of 'mental' phenomena
by Michael Lynch, David Bogen
Michael Lynch, David Bogen, (2005), "'My memory has been shredded': a non-cognitivist investigation of 'mental' phenomena", In Conversation and Cognition (Hedwig te Molder, Jonathan Potter, eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 226–240.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Cambridge", 
  author = "Michael Lynch and David Bogen", 
  booktitle = "Conversation and Cognition", 
  doi = "10.1017/CBO9780511489990.011", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Cognition, Memory, Ethnomethodology", 
  editor = "Hedwig te Molder and Jonathan Potter", 
  pages = "226–240", 
  publisher = "Cambridge University Press", 
  title = "'My memory has been shredded': a non-cognitivist investigation of 'mental' phenomena", 
  url = "https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/conversation-and-cognition/my-memory-has-been-shredded-a-noncognitivist-investigation-of-mental-phenomena/85596800B838D09D8C64D4BF022E2FC6", 
  year = "2005", 