On the interactional and phonetic design of collaborative completions
by John Local
John Local, (2004), "On the interactional and phonetic design of collaborative completions", In A Figure of Speech: A Festschrift for John Laver (William Hardcastle, Janet Mackenzie Beck, eds.), Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 263–282.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Mahwah, NJ", 
  author = "John Local", 
  booktitle = "A Figure of Speech: A Festschrift for John Laver", 
  keywords = "EMCA, IL, Phonetics, Collaborative completions", 
  editor = "William Hardcastle and Janet Mackenzie Beck", 
  pages = "263–282", 
  publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum", 
  title = "On the interactional and phonetic design of collaborative completions", 
  year = "2004", 