Poor Sports, Good Spectacle? A Case Study of an Engaging Wimbledon YouTube Drama
by Mike Lloyd
Mike Lloyd, (2022), "Poor Sports, Good Spectacle? A Case Study of an Engaging Wimbledon YouTube Drama", Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, vol. 7, no. 1.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Mike Lloyd", 
  doi = "10.20897/jcasc/12253", 
  keywords = "EMCA, YouTube, Rules, Sports, Interaction, Drama", 
  journal = "Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change", 
  number = "1", 
  title = "Poor Sports, Good Spectacle? A Case Study of an Engaging Wimbledon YouTube Drama", 
  url = "https://www.lectitopublishing.nl/Article/Detail/poor-sports-good-spectacle-a-case-study-of-an-engaging-wimbledon-youtube-drama-12253", 
  volume = "7", 
  year = "2022", 