Ontology Building as Practical Work: Lessons from CSCW
by Yuwei Lin, Rob Procter, Dave Randall, John Rooksby, Wes Sharrock
Yuwei Lin, Rob Procter, Dave Randall, John Rooksby, Wes Sharrock, (2007), "Ontology Building as Practical Work: Lessons from CSCW", In Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007 (Simon J. Cox, ed.), pp. 63–70.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Yuwei Lin, Rob Procter, Dave Randall, John Rooksby and Wes Sharrock", 
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 2007", 
  keywords = "EMCA, CSCW, Workplace studies, Ontology, Ethnography", 
  editor = "Simon J. Cox", 
  pages = "63–70", 
  title = "Ontology Building as Practical Work: Lessons from CSCW", 
  url = "https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/files/34315555/FULL_TEXT.PDF", 
  year = "2007", 