Collaborating construction of repair in aphasic conversation: An interactive view on the extended speaking turns of persons with Wenicke's aphasia
by Minna Laakso
Minna Laakso, (2003), "Collaborating construction of repair in aphasic conversation: An interactive view on the extended speaking turns of persons with Wenicke's aphasia", In Conversation and Brain Damage (Charles Goodwin, ed.), New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 163–188.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "New York", 
  author = "Minna Laakso", 
  booktitle = "Conversation and Brain Damage", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Conversation Analysis, Repair, Aphasia, Collaboration", 
  editor = "Charles Goodwin", 
  pages = "163–188", 
  publisher = "Oxford University Press", 
  title = "Collaborating construction of repair in aphasic conversation: An interactive view on the extended speaking turns of persons with Wenicke's aphasia", 
  year = "2003", 