“Uh-oh, we were going there”: Environmentally occasioned noticings of trouble in in-car interaction
by Tiina Keisanen
Tiina Keisanen, (2012), "“Uh-oh, we were going there”: Environmentally occasioned noticings of trouble in in-car interaction", Semiotica, no. 191, pp. 197–222.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Tiina Keisanen", 
  doi = "10.1515/sem-2012-0061", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Troubles, Automobiles, Embodiment, Driving, In-car interaction, Noticings, Mobility", 
  journal = "Semiotica", 
  number = "191", 
  pages = "197–222", 
  title = "“Uh-oh, we were going there”: Environmentally occasioned noticings of trouble in in-car interaction", 
  url = "http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/sem.2012.2012.issue-191/sem-2012-0061/sem-2012-0061.xml", 
  year = "2012", 