How to Take the Floor as a Couple: Turn-Taking in Lindy Hop Jam Circles
by Leelo Keevallik, Anna Ekström
Leelo Keevallik, Anna Ekström, (2019), "How to Take the Floor as a Couple: Turn-Taking in Lindy Hop Jam Circles", Visual Anthropology, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 423–444.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Leelo Keevallik and Anna Ekström", 
  doi = "10.1080/08949468.2019.1671750", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Dance, Lindy Hop, Turn-taking, Touch, Performance", 
  journal = "Visual Anthropology", 
  month = "oct", 
  number = "5", 
  pages = "423–444", 
  title = "How to Take the Floor as a Couple: Turn-Taking in Lindy Hop Jam Circles", 
  url = "", 
  volume = "32", 
  year = "2019", 