A coding scheme for (dis)approvalrelevant events involving the direct social sanctioning of problematic behavior in informal social interaction
by Uwe-A. Küttner, Laurenz Kornfeld, Jörg Zinken
Uwe-A. Küttner, Laurenz Kornfeld, Jörg Zinken, (2023), "A coding scheme for (dis)approvalrelevant events involving the direct social sanctioning of problematic behavior in informal social interaction", IDSopen, Mannheim, no. 5, pp. 1-44.
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{Küttner et al. 2023,
  address = "Mannheim", 
  author = "Uwe-A. Küttner, Laurenz Kornfeld and Jörg Zinken", 
  doi = "10.21248/idsopen.5.2023.8", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Coding, Coding scheme, Norms, Rules, Accountability, Conversation analysis, Interactional linguistics", 
  howpublished = "Online Journal", 
  journal = "IDSopen", 
  number = "5", 
  pages = "1-44", 
  title = "A coding scheme for (dis)approvalrelevant events involving the direct social sanctioning of problematic behavior in informal social interaction", 
  url = "https://idsopen.de/article/view/8", 
  year = "2023", 