Oh-prefaced responses to assessments: A method of modifying agreement/disagreement
by John Heritage
John Heritage, (2002), "Oh-prefaced responses to assessments: A method of modifying agreement/disagreement", In The Language of Turn and Sequence (Cecilia E. Ford, Barbara A. Fox, Sandra A. Thompson, eds.), Oxford, pp. 196-224.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Oxford", 
  author = "John Heritage", 
  booktitle = "The Language of Turn and Sequence", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Oh, Assessment, Agreement", 
  editor = "Cecilia E. Ford, Barbara A. Fox and Sandra A. Thompson", 
  pages = "196-224", 
  title = "Oh-prefaced responses to assessments: A method of modifying agreement/disagreement", 
  year = "2002", 