“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight
by Philipp Hänggi, Lorenza Mondada
Philipp Hänggi, Lorenza Mondada, (2025), "“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight", Appetite, vol. 205, pp. eid: 107530.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Philipp Hänggi and Lorenza Mondada", 
  doi = "10.1016/j.appet.2024.107530", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Taste, Multimodality, Multisensoriatlity, Ethnomethodology, Conversation analysis", 
  journal = "Appetite", 
  pages = "eid: 107530", 
  title = "“What is this?”: Multisensorial explorations of food with and without sight", 
  url = "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666324003337", 
  volume = "205", 
  year = "2025", 