‘I see you on my radar’: displays of the confirmatory form in maritime technologically mediated interaction
by Lisa Loloma Froholdt
Lisa Loloma Froholdt, (2016), "‘I see you on my radar’: displays of the confirmatory form in maritime technologically mediated interaction", The Sociological Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 468–494.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Lisa Loloma Froholdt", 
  doi = "10.1111/1467-954X.12333", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Pre-scripted interaction, Technologized interaction, Institutional interaction", 
  journal = "The Sociological Review", 
  number = "3", 
  pages = "468–494", 
  title = "‘I see you on my radar’: displays of the confirmatory form in maritime technologically mediated interaction", 
  url = "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-954X.12333/abstract;jsessionid=B744241BB877F545C21F89F1289C2535.f02t03?userIsAuthenticated=false&deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=", 
  volume = "64", 
  year = "2016", 