by Alan Firth
Alan Firth, (2003), "Argument as spectacle and collusion: the mediatization of politics on CNN's Crossfire", In Language Travels: A Festschrift for Torben Vestergaard (Alan Firth, ed.), Aalborg, Denmark, Aalborg University Press, pp. 131–142.
Bibtex Entry:
address = "Aalborg, Denmark",
author = "Alan Firth",
booktitle = "Language Travels: A Festschrift for Torben Vestergaard",
keywords = "EMCA, Argument, Politics",
editor = "Alan Firth",
pages = "131–142",
publisher = "Aalborg University Press",
title = "Argument as spectacle and collusion: the mediatization of politics on CNN's Crossfire",
year = "2003",