6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction
by Sophia Fiedler
Sophia Fiedler, (2023), "6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction", In 6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 141–170.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Sophia Fiedler", 
  booktitle = "6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction", 
  doi = "10.1515/9783111065830-006", 
  keywords = "Reported speech, Reported thought, EMCA, French, Storytelling, Stance, Interactional Linguistics, Embodied Conduct, Grammar-body-interface", 
  month = "sep", 
  pages = "141–170", 
  publisher = "De Gruyter Mouton", 
  title = "6 Thinking out loud? Je me suis dit ‘I said to myself’ and j’étais là ‘I was there’ in French talk-in-interaction", 
  url = "https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783111065830-006/html", 
  year = "2023", 