by Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Noël Ferrié, Montassir Nicolas Oufkir, Alexis Blouët
Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Noël Ferrié, Montassir Nicolas Oufkir, Alexis Blouët, (2024), "‘THIS IS NOT A PIPE!’ Judicial normality and obliteration of the obvious in a Moroccan case of Islamist terrorism", Ethnographic Studies, vol. 20, pp. 102-124.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Baudouin Dupret, Jean-Noël Ferrié, Montassir Nicolas Oufkir and Alexis Blouët",
doi = "10.26034/lu.ethns.2024.6915",
keywords = "EMCA, Michael Lynch",
journal = "Ethnographic Studies",
pages = "102-124",
title = "‘THIS IS NOT A PIPE!’ Judicial normality and obliteration of the obvious in a Moroccan case of Islamist terrorism",
url = "",
volume = "20",
year = "2024",