When Yes Turns to No: Young Children's Disputes During Computer Game Playing in the Home
by Christina Davidson
Christina Davidson, (2012), "When Yes Turns to No: Young Children's Disputes During Computer Game Playing in the Home", In Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People (Susan Danby, Maryanne Theobald, eds.), New York, Emerald, pp. 355–376.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "New York", 
  author = "Christina Davidson", 
  booktitle = "Disputes in Everyday Life: Social and Moral Orders of Children and Young People", 
  doi = "10.1108/S1537-4661(2012)0000015018", 
  keywords = "Conversation analysis, Disputes, Children, Computer games", 
  editor = "Susan Danby and Maryanne Theobald", 
  pages = "355–376", 
  publisher = "Emerald", 
  title = "When "Yes" Turns to "No": Young Children's Disputes During Computer Game Playing in the Home", 
  url = "http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/S1537-4661(2012)0000015018", 
  year = "2012", 