by Ignasi Clemente
Ignasi Clemente, (2020), "Constructing Expertise: Person Reference in Audience Members’ Self-Identification in Public Talk Q&A Sessions", In Communicating with the Public: Conversation Analytic Studies (Hansun Zhang Waring, Elizabeth Reddington, eds.), London. UK, Bloomsbury, pp. 149–167.
Bibtex Entry:
address = "London. UK",
author = "Ignasi Clemente",
booktitle = "Communicating with the Public: Conversation Analytic Studies",
doi = "0.5040/",
keywords = "EMCA, Person Reference, Public Talk, Expertise, Self-Identification",
editor = "Hansun Zhang Waring and Elizabeth Reddington",
pages = "149–167",
publisher = "Bloomsbury",
title = "Constructing Expertise: Person Reference in Audience Members’ Self-Identification in Public Talk Q&A Sessions",
url = "",
year = "2020",