Micro-sociology and micro-economics: selling by social control
by Colin Clark, Trevor Pinch
Colin Clark, Trevor Pinch, (1988), "Micro-sociology and micro-economics: selling by social control", In Actions and Structure: Research Methods and Social Theory (Nigel G. Fielding, ed.), London, UK, SAGE Publications, pp. 117–141.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "London, UK", 
  author = "Colin Clark and Trevor Pinch", 
  booktitle = "Actions and Structure: Research Methods and Social Theory", 
  chapter = "5", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Selling", 
  editor = "Nigel G. Fielding", 
  pages = "117–141", 
  publisher = "SAGE Publications", 
  title = "Micro-sociology and micro-economics: selling by social control", 
  year = "1988", 