Some Sociological Aspects of Message Load: “Information Input Overload and Features of Growth in Communications Oriented Institutions”
by Lindsey Churchill
Lindsey Churchill, (1965), "Some Sociological Aspects of Message Load: “Information Input Overload and Features of Growth in Communications Oriented Institutions”", In Mathematical Explorations in Behavioral Sciences (Fred Massarik, Philburn Ratoosh, eds.), Homewood, IL, Dorsey Press, pp. 274–284.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Homewood, IL", 
  author = "Lindsey Churchill", 
  booktitle = "Mathematical Explorations in Behavioral Sciences", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Organizations", 
  editor = "Fred Massarik and Philburn Ratoosh", 
  pages = "274–284", 
  publisher = "Dorsey Press", 
  title = "Some Sociological Aspects of Message Load: “Information Input Overload and Features of Growth in Communications Oriented Institutions”", 
  year = "1965", 