Multimodality in third turn repetitions: Evaluation, mitigation, and the pursuit of responses in a Korean-as-foreign-language classroom
by Eunhae Cho, Hee Jin Lee Park, Stephen Daniel Looney
Eunhae Cho, Hee Jin Lee Park, Stephen Daniel Looney, (2024), "Multimodality in third turn repetitions: Evaluation, mitigation, and the pursuit of responses in a Korean-as-foreign-language classroom", Language Teaching Research.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Eunhae Cho, Hee Jin Lee Park and Stephen Daniel Looney", 
  doi = "10.1177/13621688241241037", 
  keywords = "EMCA, In press, Classroom discourse, Conversation analysis, Korean as a foreign language, Multimodal resources, Third turn repetition", 
  journal = "Language Teaching Research", 
  title = "Multimodality in third turn repetitions: Evaluation, mitigation, and the pursuit of responses in a Korean-as-foreign-language classroom", 
  url = "", 
  year = "2024", 