Talk about What Might Be Helpful: Relating Meta-therapeutic Dialogue to Concrete Interactions and Exploring the Relevance for Therapeutic Practice
by Sarah Cantwell
Sarah Cantwell, (2018), "Talk about What Might Be Helpful: Relating Meta-therapeutic Dialogue to Concrete Interactions and Exploring the Relevance for Therapeutic Practice", PhD thesis, University of Roehampton.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Sarah Cantwell", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Psychotherapy, Shared decision-making", 
  school = "University of Roehampton", 
  title = "Talk about What Might Be Helpful: Relating Meta-therapeutic Dialogue to Concrete Interactions and Exploring the Relevance for Therapeutic Practice", 
  url = ";jsessionid=1DB3901E67DBCFBE95CAD712824A2E29?", 
  year = "2018", 