Pans, tilts, and zooms: Conventional camera gestures in TV production
by Mathias Broth
Mathias Broth, (2014), "Pans, tilts, and zooms: Conventional camera gestures in TV production", In Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work (Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier, Lorenza Mondada, eds.), Abingdon, Oxon UK, Routledge, pp. 63–96.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Abingdon, Oxon UK", 
  author = "Mathias Broth", 
  booktitle = "Studies of Video Practices: Video at Work", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Multimodality, TV", 
  editor = "Mathias Broth, Eric Laurier and Lorenza Mondada", 
  pages = "63–96", 
  publisher = "Routledge", 
  title = "Pans, tilts, and zooms: Conventional camera gestures in TV production", 
  year = "2014", 