On bearing false witness: perjury and credibility as interactional accomplishments
by Augustine Brannigan, Michael Lynch
Augustine Brannigan, Michael Lynch, (1987), "On bearing false witness: perjury and credibility as interactional accomplishments", Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 115–146.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Augustine Brannigan and Michael Lynch", 
  doi = "10.1177/0891241687162001", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Credibility, Courtroom Interaction, Ethnography", 
  journal = "Journal of Contemporary Ethnography", 
  number = "2", 
  pages = "115–146", 
  title = "On bearing false witness: perjury and credibility as interactional accomplishments", 
  url = "https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0891241687162001", 
  volume = "16", 
  year = "1987", 