“My mom had a stroke”: Understanding how patients raise and providers respond to psychosocial concerns
by Wayne A. Beach, Jenny Mandelbaum
Wayne A. Beach, Jenny Mandelbaum, (2005), "“My mom had a stroke”: Understanding how patients raise and providers respond to psychosocial concerns", In Narratives, Health, and Healing: Communication Theory, Research, and Practice (Lynn M. Harter, Phyllis M. Japp, Christina S. Beck, eds.), Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 343–364.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Mahwah, NJ", 
  author = "Wayne A. Beach and Jenny Mandelbaum", 
  booktitle = "Narratives, Health, and Healing: Communication Theory, Research, and Practice", 
  keywords = "Medical EMCA, Medical Interview, Narratives", 
  editor = "Lynn M. Harter, Phyllis M. Japp and Christina S. Beck", 
  pages = "343–364", 
  publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates", 
  title = "“My mom had a stroke”: Understanding how patients raise and providers respond to psychosocial concerns", 
  year = "2005", 