Exploring Nurse Responses to Spontaneous Breastfeeding Episodes During Routine Infant Health Checks in Finland: A Multimodal Conversation Analytic Approach
by Amanda Bateman, Julia Katila, Emily Hofstetter
Amanda Bateman, Julia Katila, Emily Hofstetter, (2024), "Exploring Nurse Responses to Spontaneous Breastfeeding Episodes During Routine Infant Health Checks in Finland: A Multimodal Conversation Analytic Approach", Health Communication.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = "Amanda Bateman, Julia Katila and Emily Hofstetter", 
  doi = "10.1080/10410236.2024.2367349", 
  keywords = "EMCA, In press, Nurse-Patient Interaction, Healthcare, Medical Interaction", 
  journal = "Health Communication", 
  title = "Exploring Nurse Responses to Spontaneous Breastfeeding Episodes During Routine Infant Health Checks in Finland: A Multimodal Conversation Analytic Approach", 
  url = "https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10410236.2024.2367349", 
  year = "2024", 