Discovering order in opening sequences: calls to a software helpline
by Carolyn Baker, Michael Emmison, Alan Firth
Carolyn Baker, Michael Emmison, Alan Firth, (2001), "Discovering order in opening sequences: calls to a software helpline", In How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings: A Casebook of Methods (Alec McHoul, Mark Rapley, eds.), London, Continuum, pp. 41–56.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "London", 
  author = "Carolyn Baker, Michael Emmison and Alan Firth", 
  booktitle = "How to Analyse Talk in Institutional Settings: A Casebook of Methods", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Helplines, Software, HCI", 
  editor = "Alec McHoul and Mark Rapley", 
  pages = "41–56", 
  publisher = "Continuum", 
  title = "Discovering order in opening sequences: calls to a software helpline", 
  year = "2001", 