[15] | Johanna Ruusuvuori, Birte Asmuß, Pentti Henttonen, Niklas Ravaja, (2019), "Complaining about others at work", Research on Language and Social Interaction, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 41–62.
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[14] | Sae Oshima, Birte Asmuß, (2018), "Mediated business: living the organizational surroundings – introduction", Culture and Organization, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
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[13] | Birte Asmuß, Sae Oshima, (2018), "Strategy making as a communicative practice: the multimodal accomplishment of strategy roles", M@n@gement, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 884–912.
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[12] | Birte Asmuß, (2015), "Multimodal perspectives on meeting interaction: Recent trends in conversation analysis", In The Cambridge Handbook of Meeting Science (Joseph A. Allen, Nale Lehmann-VIllenbrock, Steven G. Rogelberg, eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 277–304.
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[11] | Birte Asmuß, (2013), "Conversation analysis and meetings", In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Carol A. Chapelle, ed.), Oxford, U.K., Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1048–1050.
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[10] | Birte Asmuß, Sae Oshima, (2012), "Negotiation of entitlement in proposal sequences", Discourse Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 67–86.
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[9] | Birte Asmuß, (2011), "Proposing shared knowledge as a means of pursuing agreement", In The Morality of Knowledge in Conversation (Tanya Stivers, Lorenza Mondada, Jakob Steensig, eds.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 207–234.
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[8] | Birte Asmuß, Jan Svennevig, (2009), "Meeting talk: An introduction", Journal of Business Communication, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 3–22.
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[7] | Birte Asmuß, (2008), "Performance appraisal interviews: preference organization in assessment sequences", The Journal of Business Communication, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 408–429.
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[6] | Birte Asmuß, (2007), "What do people expect from public services? Requests in public service encounters", Hermes: Journal of Language and Communication Studies, no. 38, pp. 65–83.
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[5] | Jakob Steensig, Birte Asmuß, (2005), "Notes on disaligning ‘yes but’ initiated utterances in Danish and German conversations: two construction types for dispreferred responses", In Syntax and Lexis in Conversation: Studies on the Use of Linguistic Resources in Talk-in-Interaction (Auli Hakulinen, Margret Selting, eds.), Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 349–373.
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[4] | Susanne Kjaerbeck, Birte Asmuß, (2005), "Negotiating Meaning in Narratives: An Investigation of the Interactional Construction of the Punchline and the Post Punchline Sequences", Narrative Inquiry, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 1–24.
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[3] | Birte Asmuß, Jakob Steensig, (2003), "Samtalen på arbejde - konversationsanalyse og kompetenceudvikling: en introduktion", In Samtalen på arbejde - konversationsanalyse og kompetenceudvikling (Birte Asmuß, Jakob Steensig, eds.), Samfundslitteratur, pp. 9–31.
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[2] | Birte Asmuß, (2003), "Fra præference til yo-yo-effekt - om betydningen af konversationsanalytisk grundforskning for kommunikationsrådgivning", In Samtalen på arbejde - konversationsanalyse og kompetenceudvikling (Birte Asmuß, Jakob Steensig, eds.), Samfundslitteratur, pp. 193–212.
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[1] | Birte Asmuß, (2002), "Strukturelle Dissensmarkierungen in interkultureller Kommunikation", Max Niemeyer Verlag, no. 452.
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