On the Preferences for Agreement and Contiguity in Sequences in Conversation
by Harvey Sacks
Harvey Sacks, (1987), "On the Preferences for Agreement and Contiguity in Sequences in Conversation", In Talk and Social Organisation (Graham Button, John R.E. Lee, eds.), Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, pp. 54-69.
Bibtex Entry:
  address = "Clevedon", 
  author = "Harvey Sacks", 
  booktitle = "Talk and Social Organisation", 
  chapter = "2", 
  keywords = "EMCA, Preference, Agreement, Contiguity, Affiliation", 
  editor = "Graham Button, John R.E. Lee", 
  pages = "54-69", 
  publisher = "Multilingual Matters", 
  title = "On the Preferences for Agreement and Contiguity in Sequences in Conversation", 
  year = "1987", 